How-To: Assign Agency Access To Your Facebook Page

In order to let Plan Z Creatives run your page on Facebook, you will need to assign them agency rights to give them access. Here is a quick overview on how to provide access to your facebook page to Plan Z Creatives.

Step 1: Navigate to your Page on Facebook

The click “Settings” from the top right menu.

Step 2: View Page Roles Page

Click on “Page Roles” from the left side menu.
*If you have signed up with Plan Z Creatives, you can enter into the “email” box and select “partner“. Press “Save“.

Step 3: Check your Notifications

Plan Z Creatives will typically send a page request form directly to you. Once it arrives, you will receive a notification. Click the link in the notification.

Step 4: Respond to Request

Once the request has come through, you will be able to see it under the “Page Roles” tab under “Pending Agency Requests“. Click the “Respond to Request“.

Step 5: Approve Agency Access

Select “Give Plan Z Creatives access to my page

Step 6: Click the Final “Approve Request” button.

That’s it. You’re all set and our agency now has access to your facebook page. Thankyou for choosing Plan Z Creatives as your digital creative partner.
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